
About School

Škofijska gimnazija Vipava is a Catholic grammar school. It has about 300 students between 15 and 19 years of age who have successfully finished elementary school and who intend to continue their study at the University. The school programme in four years includes the following subjects: Slovene, Maths, English, Italian or German, History, Physical Education, Latin, Music and Art, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Sociology, Psychology, Phylosophy, Religion and Culture and Computer Science. The educational programme lasts 4 years and finishes with Matura exams (General grammar school leaving external examination). School offers different extra-curricular activities and voluntary social work. It is located in a small town Vipava in Vipava valley. Close to the school there is also a students’ hall of residence.

Aktualne objave

Prihajajoči dogodki

Govorilne ure v februarju

Govorilne starše za dijake ŠGV bodo v torek, 11. februarja, od 17.15 dalje – prijavite se lahko v tajništvu šole.

Srečanje mladih raziskovalcev

V sredo, 12. februarja, bo potekalo regijsko srečanje mladih raziskovalcev.

Tekmovanje iz nemščine

V sredo, 12. februarja, bo v Ljubljani potekalo državno tekmovanje iz nemščine.

Debatno tekmovanje

V sredo, 12. februarja, bo v Ljubljani potekalo debatno tekmovanje v angleščini.

Informativni dan

V petek, 14. februarja, bo na šoli potekal Informativni dan za osnovnošolce.